Tuesday here was a beautiful day......sunny and in the mid 60's. I was supposed to be on jury duty but the courts let us out early. What a perfect day for shopping. I wanted to go to Tuesday Morning, TJ Maxx, JoAnns and Hobby Lobby. I love going to these stores but rarely take the time to go and take my time looking around. I am glad I did on this day because I got some pretty good deals.
My first stop was Hobby Lobby and I found a deal on these spellbinders. The two scalloped edge dies I got for 1.54 each. The leaves die was 4.31. Even though I do have a cricut, I like that I can use this to cut leaves quickly without having to load a cartridge in the cricut. The labels die is Labels Eighteen and I paid 6.47 for that one. Lastly was the sprockets dies and they were 8.99, maybe not a great deal on those but still much cheaper than the 24.99 retail price. I have seen these used on cards and scrapbook pages and they can add so much to a project, so I was glad I found them.

Next was JoAnns....the two smaller stamps go on a roller, but I am just going to use them flat, maybe as a background or something. They were on clearance for .97. The Martha Stewart punch and the big set of stamps were both on clearance for 3.97 each. The only thing that could have made this a better deal was a % off coupon for my entire purchase. I did not have one that was good for the particular day I was shopping.

On to Tuesday Morning. What a great day to shop here. They had all their fall and halloween things 90% off. The stickers pkgs with the haunted house and bats had 6 sheets in each one and I got the entire pkg. for 45 cents. The spiders are blingy and they had 3 pkgs in each set. I bought 4 of these for 22 cents each. Their Christmas items were all 70% off. This pack of Cosmo Cricket paper was with the scrapbook stuff and not the normal Christmas stuff. I took it to the register and asked if it was included in the sale....she asked the manager and was told yes. Yippee. They had it priced at 9.99 but I was able to get it for 3.00. All of their yellow ticketed items were an extra 40% off. I have seen this arrow punch several times before and passed it over. This time it was marked 3.99 and with the extra 40 off I figured why not. It rang up 2.99 and then the extra discount so I was able to get it for 1.80. Now at Tuesday Mornings you can get a shopper rewards card and when you sign up for it you get an extra 20% off that purchase. Score! I got all this for around 5.00. Woop woop!!
I did go to TJ Maxx and that store was a bust. I am so ready for them to get some new items in. Even though they didnt have anything it was still a great deal day anyway.
Thanks for looking!!